Lesson 5: Controlling Edit Access to Budgets


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The University of Illinois employs a budget development process that allows organizations to enter and review budgets until they meet approval. This distributed, recursive approach to budget development requires a way to control who can update budgets and when budgets can be updated.

  • Budget Development security settings determine who can query and update budgets. The Central Budget Office maintains and updates security settings in the Configuration phase of budget development.
  • The Organization Lock tool in Budget Development is used to determine when a budget can be edited. By unlocking and locking organizations in a sequence, you can control and logically route when budgets are entered.

Together, Budget Development's security and lock functionality facilitate an orderly process for the entry of budgets.

This lesson explains how to use the Maintain Organization Lock tool to allow and disallow budget changes for the organization(s) you may affect.


20 minutes


When you have completed this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Recognize how lock statuses impact an organization
  • Query lock status
  • View lock status
  • Change lock status

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